Ukraine pushes for EU flight ban on Russians, Belarusians

According to Unian, Ukraine plans to push the EU to ban Russian and Belarusian nationals from using EU airspace. Prime Minister Denis Shmigal hopes that this will disrupt Moscow’s logistics and cause discomfort to Russian tourists.

Last February, the EU closed its airspace to Russian airlines. Along with the US and other Western countries, the EU has also imposed sanctions that prevent Russian carriers from buying new planes and spare parts for Western-made aircraft.

Shmigal said on Friday that “our idea is that Russian businesses and Russian tourists shouldn’t be able to comfortably use the EU’s airspace.”

“We have discussed with partners the closure of transit for any flights to Russia and from Russia,” he added.

The Ukrainian prime minister says his country will “insist on such sanctions” and hopes that the Baltic states will support the initiative.

Since last year, there have been multiple reports of Russian citizens being taken off connecting flights by European airlines, often with no reason given.

Several cases described in the media involved Russian tourists traveling to Latin America over EU airspace.

Some of the carriers that have reportedly targeted Russian nationals are Lufthansa, LOT, Air Baltic, Finnair, Ryanair, and Turkish Airlines.