Rotterdam Court Jails Two for Racist Slogans Projected on Erasmus Bridge “`

A court sentenced two men to six months imprisonment for displaying offensive slogans two years after they wished Rotterdam residents a ‘Happy White 2023.’

John A., 26, and Daniil S., 36, received six-month prison sentences for projecting discriminatory and offensive messages, including “White Lives Matter,” onto Rotterdam’s Erasmus Bridge during New Year’s celebrations. The Rotterdam court convicted them of group insult and incitement to discrimination.

“I’m John. I just received a six-month prison sentence for projecting ‘White lives matter’ on the Erasmus Bridge,” one man stated in a video posted on X. “Regardless of your opinion on the message, this proves the system is fundamentally anti-white, and free speech is a lie.”

Visible to a large crowd of New Year’s revelers and RTL 4 viewers, the projection included the Fourteen Words, “White Lives Matter,” and “Happy White 2023.”

Other slogans, some in Dutch, referenced local controversies, such as “Zwarte Piet did nothing wrong,” relating to the debate surrounding the traditional Christmas character, Black Pete.

The men also faced charges for projecting similar messages onto Alkmaar and Eindhoven city halls. During Eindhoven’s Carnival, slogans like ‘Keep Lampegat white’ and ‘Hello on behalf of white Netherlands’ were displayed.

Both had prior convictions for similar offenses, including distributing racist stickers and verbal assaults, resulting in community service and suspended sentences. The prosecution sought prison time this time, citing the high profile nature of the Erasmus Bridge incident.

The court considered the prosecution’s arguments, the defendants’ prior convictions, and their absence from a December hearing when imposing the sentences.
